eric rarotonga fa’amauSILI

Photo by Matt Petit, 2020

family man · business owner · polynesian · coach · entrepreneur · designer · show caller · volunteer · movie goer · gamer · dreamer · competitor · tattooed · sports fan · foodie · shopper · traveler

SILI (Sāmoan) - BEST (English)

adjective: of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality.

Make it happen.

At my core, I am a Creative. On the surface, I am a work-horse. Here are five facts about me and the work I do. Welcome to my job experience speed round. Go!

1.) I love learning about brands and selling their message. My job is to produce work that is relevant, memorable and fun. I've had the pleasure of producing work with some cool people at Nike, Lionsgate, MAC Cosmetics, Walt Disney Studios, CBS, Q-Productions, Fabletics Inc. and <insert name drop here>.

2.) It's never been my forte to sell myself. I enjoy selling my team. I know where the "I" stops and the "We" starts. Being a part of a capable and fun group of people is truly an enjoyment for me.

3.) I love football. I played in high school and started coaching immediately after my senior year. This was my favorite job I've ever had, so far. The chance to work with high school students to develop their skills remains one of my most cherished accomplishments.

4.) I always wanted to work in the film industry (hell, my first job was at the movie theater). I received my Associate degree in film/video from a community college in Orange County. I worked small gigs as a PA, Grip/Electric, Boom Operator, etc. One event production opportunity led to another and now I am the owner of two small businesses and continue to work freelance.

5.) My advice to my son when he is unsure about what he wants to do in life is, "Do something you love to do, and find out how you can get paid for it."